National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Wakayama College

HOMEEnglishFacilitiesMedia Center (Library)

Media Center (Library)


The library is located on the second floor in the library building on the east side of the campus, and serves academic and cultural resources for study and research for both students and teachers. There are nearly 90,000 books in our library, and its collection covers a broad range of publications such as books, journals, newspapers, back numbers of academic journals, and materials for education and research. Information on all items in our collection can be retrieved via our web site from both on- and off-campus. Our facilities include book storerooms, an open-shelf reading room, and audio-visual booths.

We are open from 9:00 to 21:00 on weekdays, and from 10:00 to 16:00 on Saturdays. Before and during regular examinations, the opening time is extended till 22:00 on weekdays. The library is also open to the local community as a public library.The library building is renovated from May 2019 to March 2020, and the library is closed to the local community.

View of the library floor & Open-shelf room

View of the library floor & Open-shelf room

Media Center

The center is located at the rear of the main building and supports practical training for information-processing, programming, design and drawing, and so on. There are 49 personal computers in Practice Room 1, 11 in Practice Room 2, 49 in Practice Room 3 (located on the second floor of the Library Building), and 31 in the Multi-Media Room (located on the second floor of the Advanced Engineering Faculty Building).

The Center is open from 8:30 to17:00 on weekdays.The Computer Center and library building is renovated from May 2019 to March 2020.

Practice Room 1 & Practice Room 3

Practice Room 1 & Practice Room 3

Performance of computers

Office soft Microsoft Office 2013
Development Environments Microsoft Visual Studio
Eclipse (Java EE)
CAD AutoCAD 2015
Controller MATLAB
Internet Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox